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load all compendium data into a TreeSummarizedExperiment


getCompendium(version = NA, bfc = BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache())



BiocFileCache object to use


a `TreeSummarizedExperiment`


cpd <- getCompendium()
#> [1] "Retrieving compendium version 1.1.0"

#> [1]   4680 168464
#> class: TreeSummarizedExperiment 
#> dim: 4680 168464 
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(1): counts
#> rownames(4680):
#>   Bacteria.Actinomycetota.Coriobacteriia.Coriobacteriales.Atopobiaceae.Tractidigestivibacter
#>   Bacteria.Actinomycetota.Coriobacteriia.Coriobacteriales.Coriobacteriaceae.Collinsella
#>   ...
#>   Bacteria.Bacteroidota.Bacteroidia.Flavobacteriales.Flavobacteriaceae.Aurantiacicella
#>   Archaea.Halobacteriota.Halobacteria.Halobacterales.Halobacteriaceae.Halocalculus
#> rowData names(8): kingdom phylum ... species strain
#> colnames(168464): PRJDB10485_DRR243823 PRJDB10485_DRR243824 ...
#>   PRJNA764337_SRR15959700 PRJNA764337_SRR15959701
#> colData names(11): srs project ... iso region
#> reducedDimNames(0):
#> mainExpName: NULL
#> altExpNames(0):
#> rowLinks: NULL
#> rowTree: NULL
#> colLinks: NULL
#> colTree: NULL
#> [1] "counts"
#> DataFrame with 6 rows and 11 columns
#>                              srs     project         srr library_strategy
#>                      <character> <character> <character>      <character>
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243823   DRS176859  PRJDB10485   DRR243823         AMPLICON
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243824   DRS176860  PRJDB10485   DRR243824         AMPLICON
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243825   DRS176861  PRJDB10485   DRR243825         AMPLICON
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243826   DRS176862  PRJDB10485   DRR243826         AMPLICON
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243827   DRS176863  PRJDB10485   DRR243827         AMPLICON
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243828   DRS176864  PRJDB10485   DRR243828         AMPLICON
#>                      library_source             pubdate total_bases
#>                         <character>           <POSIXct> <integer64>
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243823    METAGENOMIC 2021-03-26 15:30:38    85432160
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243824    METAGENOMIC 2021-03-26 15:30:40    85497094
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243825    METAGENOMIC 2021-03-26 15:30:40    81068656
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243826    METAGENOMIC 2021-03-26 15:30:40    72020224
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243827    METAGENOMIC 2021-03-26 15:30:40    81402358
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243828    METAGENOMIC 2021-03-26 15:30:40    83867024
#>                          instrument    geo_loc_name         iso
#>                         <character>     <character> <character>
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243823 Illumina MiSeq ghana:koforidua          GH
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243824 Illumina MiSeq ghana:koforidua          GH
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243825 Illumina MiSeq ghana:koforidua          GH
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243826 Illumina MiSeq ghana:koforidua          GH
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243827 Illumina MiSeq ghana:koforidua          GH
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243828 Illumina MiSeq ghana:koforidua          GH
#>                                  region
#>                             <character>
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243823 Sub-Saharan Africa
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243824 Sub-Saharan Africa
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243825 Sub-Saharan Africa
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243826 Sub-Saharan Africa
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243827 Sub-Saharan Africa
#> PRJDB10485_DRR243828 Sub-Saharan Africa